EN / FR / NL

ASSEMBLIES § Il/legal Fictions

‘ About (J)us ’

with Katinka de Jonge



INTERNAL sessions build up the collective body of au JUS through different workshops, worldbuilding, speculation and discussions organized by different members and invited guests. They are intended for members but open to the public. If you are curious and want to attend for one of the announced sessions please drop us a mail contact_aujus@proton.me


au JUS is becoming a legal person. The collective will come together to discuss and inscribe their raison d'être in the official document of a statute and decide the rules they want to play by in their newly founded VGC. The process is supported by artistic researcher Katinka de Jonge and the voices of many other artist collectives she has collected in a growing corpus of 'About Us'. 

A script developed as part of her research project 'Dialogical Landscapes, A speculative research on common ground(ing)' which investigates and problematizes the boundary between the artistic and the organizational domain within the arts, and the role of artistic imagination and collaboration within this.

How can we use speculation to organize ourselves?


au JUS  |  Avenue Jean Volders 24  |  Brussels 1060  |  Belgium
