au JUS is a project space collectively run through role play and collective worlding. The project establishes a zone for prefigurative play and (re)enactment as research. The three-story building offers a site to explore LARP over extended periods and in communication with its local context and public. The archetypical off-space becomes a projection screen for other forms of public life. Motivated by the urgency and desire to prefigure actual transformations taking form beyond the realm of fiction, the project facilitates the spawning of temporary worlds as laboratories for thoughts. What do you envision in this space? Why would you come here? Who could you become here?
Offering its inhabitants and visitors a zone of radical imagination as well as a community to probe and test ideas collectively, the project carves out temporal, spatial, or contractual architectures in which alternative modes of cohabitation and collaboration can be explored.
The group also uses role play to experiment with its own narration and as a method of maintaining an ongoing open organisational structure.
au jus VZW
registration number
Bank account
Triodos Bank
IBAN BE11 5230 8159 3748
association’s statutes
registration number
Bank account
Triodos Bank
IBAN BE11 5230 8159 3748
association’s statutes
Promoting and organizing community experiences within society through artistic means, among others. These experiences focus on testing social imaginations through process-based work, play and collective speculation, bringing together people from different disciplines and contexts. The aim to use resources in an environmentally friendly, sustainable and socially responsible manner. The association can help achieve its social purpose and focus on activities similar to its goals. The object, or the concrete activities through which the asbl achieves its goals achieves, include: The development of socio-cultural activities and meetings that promote the emergence of collective intelligence, knowledge exchange, social initiative, artistic expression, activism, education and self-organization.
au JUS is ongoing conspiracy crafted by a changing constellation of members, residents and visitors ACCOMPLICES. The group self-organises through monthly gatherings, in which its members experiment with changing rules, scores and stories that define what is happening in the space. The shapeshifting space is open to different formats: meet ups, exhibitions, performances, parties, workshops, residencies, readings, research, dinners and what you might desire. What role would you like to play at au JUS?
The ORGANization of au JUS is nurtured through an INTERNAL program of regular INTERNAL SESSIONS (worlding) workshops, games, dialogs and collective experimentation facilitated by changing members and invited guests. The sessions are intended for members but open to the public.
Au JUS is sustained by different kinds of members that contribute with varying degrees of money and time. The group is always open for new members if you would like to take on a role, fill out the CHARACTER SHEET or pass by during our upcoming events.