unfinished busyness - reading group texts

Stef Meul & Isabella Daffara

5-7 pm

I introduction

In reading a dispersed field of topics, we go through our material through different lenses: language and embodiment, a spectrum of sensual synergies - intimate, erotic, sexual, loving -, social choreography, relationship anarchy and post-disciplinarity and/or indisciplinarity.

Reading as a practice between individuals will intend to give attention to the activity of sharing possibilities of making sense, opening different ways of seeing, speaking and hearing the interpretation of the selected texts.

We choose which text to read from suggestions by participants in the gatherings, with a pre-selection of material to start from. 

This sex which is not One by Luce Irigaray can be cross-read with other texts, deepening the connections by building a network of interrelation between otherwise disparate sources.

Juxtaposition, complexity and solidarity between and with readers is our strategy to move through normalization and alienation, tangibly into other possibilities of formulating problems and ways to disarm their causation.


Our current reading list, subject to change:

  • Luce Irigaray - This Sex Which is Not One

  • Andy Nordgren - Relationship Anarchy Manifesto

  • Ole Martin Moen, Aleksander Sørlie - The Ethics of Relationship Anarchy

  • Luce Irigaray - Democracy Starts With The Two

  • Carlos Gómez Camarena - Je Te Mathème! Badiou's Depsychologisation Of Love

  • Luce Irigaray - An Ethics of Sexual Difference

II introduction

Our aim is to create a space where individuals from diverse backgrounds can come together to share their perspectives, skills, and experiences through the exploration of thought-provoking texts.

In an age where access to information is abundant, we recognize the value of communal learning and dialogue. While solitary reading can be enriching, we believe that true understanding often emerges from the dynamic exchange of ideas within a supportive community. Our reading group seeks to foster an environment where participants feel encouraged to dive into profound discussions, challenge one another's viewpoints, and collectively interpret the texts we explore.

Initially, we will focus on a selection of topics closely aligned with our own research interests, such as : relational anarchy, sensuality, love, care, embodiment, cognition, and autoethnography. By starting from these subjects, we hope to spark insightful conversations and to inspire a mutual understanding. .

While starting from topics that are close to our inclinations,  we envision the evolution of our reading group to be driven by the interests and passions of its members.

We believe that through our collective exploration of literature and dialogue, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


  • Stay Focused:
    In a world where it is becoming harder to focus, turn off your phone to avoid distractions.
    In our sessions, let's make time to concentrate without interruptions.

  • Read at Your Own Pace:
    Each person decides how much to read.
    It's a chance for us to learn how to balance sharing/giving and taking space.

  • Big Picture Matters:
    Authors have their own style and vocabulary.
    Understanding this helps, but don't stress over every word.
    Focus on the overall meaning of the chapter instead.

  • Stay Hydrated:
    Drinking water boosts concentration.
    Don't forget to take a sip during our reading sessions.

  • Bring your own device


au JUS  |  Avenue Jean Volders 24  |  Brussels 1060  |  Belgium
