Danae Theodoridou

Danae Theodoridou is a performance maker and researcher based in Brussels. Her artistic research focuses on social imaginaries, the practice of democracy and the way that art contributes to the emergence of socio-political alternatives. She teaches in Fontys Academy of the Arts (NL), curates practice-led research projects, and presents and publishes her work internationally. She is the co-author of The Practice of Dramaturgy: Working on Actions in Performance (Valiz, 2017) and the author of Publicing: Practising Democracy Through Performance (Nissos, 2022).  

17 February

Performing the Public Body

-Creation of public space and time through performance workshop 

18 February
An Attempt To Devise a Democratic Assembly participatory performance 

19 February
Democratic politics as ‘publicing’
book presentation and panel with sociologist Rudi Laermans

23 March


On the practice of conflict work-in-progress presentation



au JUS  |  Avenue Jean Volders 24  |  Brussels 1060  |  Belgium
