Sex Negativity Research Group by Persis Bekkering, Marija Cetinic, Stefa Govaart and Tessel Veneboer
Samstag 15 and Sunday 16 February
Collective study: mornings 10h-13h and afternoons 15h-18h
RSVP via contact_aujus@proton.me
Sex Negativity invites you to join a weekend-long reading group devoted to Jacques Lacan's Seminar I. Freud's Papers on Technique (1953-1954).
For two consecutive days, we will discuss sections of the text we have prepared at home; no invited speakers, no masters. The sessions are situated within Jan Kunkel's exhibition CAPS, opening the day before. Some knowledge of psychoanalysis is recommended, but not mandatory. In this first seminar, Lacan cuts in the study of Freud by dint of his theory on the imaginary, the symbolic and the real. In several sessions Lacan works through historical case studies of Freud, Melanie Klein and Ernst Kris among others, leading up to his main question: what is the direction of the 'talking cure'? Lacan also zooms in on the specular relation and the topology of the Imaginary. In a beautiful appendix, philosopher Jean Hyppolite makes an intervention, discussing Freud's paper on Negation.
Sex Negativity, a research group founded by Persis Bekkering, Marija Cetinic, Stefa Govaart and Tessel Veneboer, aims to think (through) the negativity of sex as an ontological antagonism underlying recent and historical debates between political anti-sex and sex positive positions. This research finds its grounding in psychoanalytic theory, queer and trans studies, black studies and poetry, among other fields.
Selected readings:Overture to the Seminar, 1-3
I, Introduction to the commentaries on Freud's Papers on Technique, 7-18
II, Preliminary comments on the problem of resistance, 19-29
XIII, The see-saw of desire, 163-175
XXI, Truth emerges from the mistake, 261-272
Supplementary: Appendix, A spoken commentary on Freud's Verneinung by Jean HyppoliteDOWNLOAD PDF
For two consecutive days, we will discuss sections of the text we have prepared at home; no invited speakers, no masters. The sessions are situated within Jan Kunkel's exhibition CAPS, opening the day before. Some knowledge of psychoanalysis is recommended, but not mandatory. In this first seminar, Lacan cuts in the study of Freud by dint of his theory on the imaginary, the symbolic and the real. In several sessions Lacan works through historical case studies of Freud, Melanie Klein and Ernst Kris among others, leading up to his main question: what is the direction of the 'talking cure'? Lacan also zooms in on the specular relation and the topology of the Imaginary. In a beautiful appendix, philosopher Jean Hyppolite makes an intervention, discussing Freud's paper on Negation.
Sex Negativity, a research group founded by Persis Bekkering, Marija Cetinic, Stefa Govaart and Tessel Veneboer, aims to think (through) the negativity of sex as an ontological antagonism underlying recent and historical debates between political anti-sex and sex positive positions. This research finds its grounding in psychoanalytic theory, queer and trans studies, black studies and poetry, among other fields.
Selected readings:Overture to the Seminar, 1-3
I, Introduction to the commentaries on Freud's Papers on Technique, 7-18
II, Preliminary comments on the problem of resistance, 19-29
XIII, The see-saw of desire, 163-175
XXI, Truth emerges from the mistake, 261-272
Supplementary: Appendix, A spoken commentary on Freud's Verneinung by Jean HyppoliteDOWNLOAD PDF